Home Evaluation

A well-priced home will generate competing offers and drive up the final sale value. Our free market analysis takes into account the most actively searched prices and home values in the area and provides you with a detailed evaluation that puts it all in perspective.

Online Estimate

An automated value estimate can give you a rough estimate of the value of your home. This can be a useful starting point in the home selling process, and can help you in understanding what to expect when selling your home.


Please note: online valuations are not necessarily accurate and may trend higher than actual market values.

Full Evaluation

A well-priced home can generate competing offers and increase the final sale price. Our Realtors® have access to real market data which they use to create a Comparative Market Analysis of your home. This allows them to use their professional judgement in what properties are comparable to your own to make an accurate evaluation of your home.

Request a full evaluation and one of our Realtors® will be in touch with your complimentary Home Equity Report.